Killing the Handshake: Virtual Legal Representation
At TR Law we are killing the handshake as part of our initiative to combat the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Why do we need to kill the handshake? In this unprecedented time, TR Law Firm is practicing social distancing and safety protocols to ensure we are protecting ourselves and our loved ones. We have established a digital system at our law firm to assist our clients using up to date and secure digital technology in Real Estate Law Services, Planning your Wills, and more.
Our Digital Services
TR Law has transitioned to an advanced online system that allows our clients to sign documents and converse with our team members from their device. Clients can meet with our lawyers or law clerks, by scheduling in advance, over a secure wireless network where they can share and record the real estate transaction with our video conferencing feature. Our digital system features increased flexibility for our clients allowing them the ability to go paperless and sign documents using e-signature. Our transaction server keeps track of the signing and workflow with the Masterfile audit trail. This increases the efficient client management workflow and makes it easier for the client to access their documents virtually.
Convenience in the comfort of your Homes
TR Law Firm has adapted to the current pandemic to make it easier for our clients all across Ontario to have their legal real estate needs satisfied and Plan their Wills without ever leaving the comfort of their homes. While we may be killing the handshake, we have embraced the future by extending our services to better meet your needs and provide our clientele with virtual legal representation.
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